Entry 6


        Good afternoon, readers! In this last week, we’ve read through a number of different stories from Latin American from many different authors. The works of Paz, Garcia-Marquez, Allende, and Borges all use and include various themes. However, there is a theme which bears the utmost importance to me, as I believe greatly in it. The theme I would like to emphasize for this week’s readings is something we’re all familiar with, the power of Choice.

            Teaching this topic to high school students will be a complicated matter, as the individual’s decision-making abilities often rely on personal experience and preference. However, this subject could also easily mean that one’s students would be learning things about themselves and each other. Teaching this subject will be very difficult, especially given that Choice is such a complicated subject. A good starting point to begin said topic might be to set up a questionnaire, with various possible decisions, have the students individually select their decisions, and then ask them the following week to rationalize those decisions on a separate document with the associated consequences of their decisions. Although this might be difficult for them as individuals, it would certainly make the meaning of the theme clear.

            Modern media that can be used on this subject is difficult to discern, as so little has to do with the power of choice these days. Books that I would recommend would be novels such as the Divergent series or the classic To Kill a Mockingbird.


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