Entry 3


            Good afternoon, readers! In the last week, we’ve read through quite a bit of literature regarding the tumultuous transformative period experienced by the Chinese people’s culture in the early twentieth century. Stories like The Man of La Mancha and Diary of a Mad Man are clear examples of the theme I would like to emphasize. The disconnect between the old and the new. Alienation, the experience of isolation from a group to which you should belong.
            Teaching this topic to high school students could be quite easy or quite hard depending on the individual. Some teaching methods might require skilled oration, imagination, or a distinct understanding of one’s students and their friend groups. A good initial starting point would be a creative writing activity. Have the students dream of a world a thousand years in the future, what the people would be like, what their culture would be like, what civilization would be like in general. Give them time to gather that idea into a cohesive concept in their minds. Then have them imagine what it would be like for said student if they were to have arrived there as they are now, with what they know now.
            More modern examples that could be used from popular culture to engage the students at home would have to come in the form of literature, as they already experience said alienation given the current world climate. Books like the Ender’s Game series or Fight Club, both novel and film.


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