Entry 5


            Good afternoon, readers! In the last week, we’ve read through a number of different stories from African and African American literature regarding various different aspects of their culture and what those pieces mean to them. Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin, Chike’s School Days by Chinua Achebe, The Deep River by Bessie Head, and the various works of Leopold Senghor all share many different themes. However, there is one universal theme found in the works of each of these authors, which is a theme that is often found in works the world over. The theme that I would choose to emphasize today would be the use of Music as a part of culture.
            Teaching this topic to high school students can be very challenging, as the individual’s taste in music is typically quite unique. But it could also be quite enjoyable if you have rather receptive students or a personal penchant for music yourself. Teaching this topic would require the right choices of music, but at the same time it might be one of the most enjoyable topics you could teach for these students. A good starting point might be to take music recommendations from students, check these songs, then play some for your class. Then, ask them to write about what these songs represent. Alternatively, ask them to select their own music at home and write about it there.
            Modern media can and should come from the students on this topic. However, if one must have their own personal reference for the students, such as a book. Then a text that I would recommend would be Walk This Way by Geoff Edgers as it discusses some of the most influential bands of modern American music.


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